Wednesday 22 July 2015

benefits of bitter gourd

Blood disorders:  Bitter gourd juice is highly beneficial for treating blood disorders like blood boils and itching due to toxemia. Mix 2 ounces of fresh bitter gourd juice with some lime juice. Sip it slowly on an empty stomach daily for between four and six months and see improvement in your condition.
Cholera:  In early stages of cholera, take two teaspoonfuls juice of bitter gourd leaves, mix with two teaspoonfuls white onion juice and one teaspoonful lime juice. Sip this concoction daily till you get well.
Diabetes mellitus:  Bitter melon contains a hypoglycemic compound
(a plant insulin) that is highly beneficial in lowering sugar levels in blood and urine. Bitter melon juice has been shown to significantly improve glucose tolerance without increasing blood insulin levels.
Energy:  Regular consumption of bitter gourd juice has been proven to improve energy and stamina level. Even sleeping patterns have been shown to be improved/stabilized.
Eye problems:  The high beta-carotene and other properties in bitter gourd makes it one of the finest vegetable-fruit that help alleviate eye problems and improving eyesight.
Gout:  Bitter gourd juice is liver cleansing. It helps clean up a toxic blood, improves blood circulation and relieves gout pain.
Hangover:  Bitter melon juice may be beneficial in the treatment of a hangover for its alcohol intoxication properties. It also help cleanse and repair and nourish liver problems due to alcohol consumption.
Immune booster:  This bitter juice can also help to build your immune system and increase your body’s resistance against infection.
Piles:  Mix three teaspoonfuls of juice from bitter melon leaves with a glassful of buttermilk. Take this every morning on empty stomach for about a month and see an improvement to your condition. To hasten the healing, use the paste of the roots of bitter melon plant and apply over the piles.
Psoriasis:  Regular consumption of this bitter juice has also been known to improve psoriasis condition and other fungal infections like ring-worm and athletes feet.
Respiratory disorders:  Take two ounces of fresh bitter melon juice and mix with a cup of honey diluted in water. Drink daily to improve asthma, bronchitis and pharyngitis.
Toxemia:  Bitter gourd contains beneficial properties that cleanses the blood from toxins. Sip two teaspoonfuls of the juice daily to help cleanse the liver. Also helpful in ridding jaundice for the same reasons.

Sunday 12 July 2015


Treats Sunburn
Aloe Vera helps with sunburn through its powerful healing activity at the epithelial level of the skin, a layer of cells that cover the body. It acts as a protective layer on the skin and helps replenish its moisture. Because of its nutritional qualities and antioxidant properties, the skin heals quicker.
Acts as a Moisturizer
Aloe moisturizes the skin without giving it a greasy feel, so it`s perfect for anyone with an oily skin complexion. For women who use mineral-based make-up, aloe vera acts as a moisturizer and is great for the face prior to the application to prevents skin drying. For men: Aloe vera gel can be used as an aftershave treatment as its healing properties can treat small cuts caused by shaving.
Fights Aging
As we age, everyone begins to worry about the appearance of fine lines and the loss of elasticity in their skin. Aloe leaves contain a plethora of antioxidants including, beta carotene, vitamin C and E that can help improve the skin's natural firmness and keep the skin hydrated.
Lip Care
Don’t need to go for store bought lip balms all the time. You can prepare your own lip balm at home with aloe vera gel in seconds. This is a super easy process that can be even done by the kids. All you need to do is to heat a heaped teaspoon of petroleum jelly in a double boiler. After it melts, add half a teaspoon of fresh aloe vera gel and two drops of Vitamin E oil extracted from the capsule. Switch off the stove and blend this mixture well. Pour it in a tube or an old lip balm container when it is in the liquid state. Allow this lip balm to cool and thicken in refrigerator and start using it on your lips. This will cure dry and chapped lips very effectively than any other store bought lip balms.
Foot Care
A homemade nourishing aloe vera foot scrub can give you a peacock feather soft foot. Add two teaspoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of coarsely powdered rice powder with a scoop of aloe vera gel to make an instant foot scrub. After soaking your feet in warm water for 15 minutes, gently work this scrub out on your feet for 10 minutes to remove the dead skin cells without stripping off moisture. The sugar and rice powder exfoliates the skin to remove dead cells while the aloe vera gels helps in rejuvenating your foot with its calming properties.
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Sunday 5 July 2015

Laughter Yoga Exercises

5 Laughter Yoga Exercises To Release Stress

  • Argument Laughter: Voice your discontent in laughter sounds only, or in pig-latin. You can be as passionate as you'd like and point fingers if you want, just don't hit (or even threaten to hit) anything or anybody.
  • Credit Card Bill Laughter: Open an imaginary credit card bill (or any other letter that represents a bad news to you) and burst out laughing the second you look at what's inside.
  • Electric Shock Laughter: Imagine that everything and everybody you touch gives you a shock of static electricity. Jump backward and laugh each time it happens (make it happen a lot).
  • I Don't Know Why I Am Laughing: Laugh (fake is perfectly fine) and shrug your shoulders and make a big smile as you look at yourself in a mirror or anybody else who might be there and try to convey the message with your eyes and body language "I absolutely don't know why I am laughing".
  • No Money Laughter: Laugh as turn your pockets inside out looking for money that isn't there.

5 Laughter Yoga Exercises For Children

  • Baby Laughter: One person must demonstrate how a baby laughs (take turns!). Everybody else must then do the same things.
  • Favorite Animal Laughter: Laugh and behave the way your favorite animal or pet would behave if it was very happy to see you.
  • Chicken Laughter: Imagine you are a chicken. First lay 3 eggs in 3 laughs, then laugh with lots of excitement in your voice as you go tell the world about it.
  • Jumping Frog: Squat down, hands on the floor between your knees. Jump once saying "ha", then a second time saying "ha ha", a third time saying "ha ha ha", then jump in fast succession laughing a lot.
  • Laughter Vowels: Let's learn the laughter vowels! Let's start with "A" as in "hat": Aaaaa ha ha ha ha ha". Next is "E" as in "hen": Eeeee he he he he he. Next is "I" a in "hiccup": Iiiii hi hi hi hi hi. Next is "O" as in "Otto": Ooooo ho ho ho ho ho. Last is "U" as in "soup": Uuuuu hu hu hu hu hu.

5 Laughter Yoga Exercises For Seniors

  • Back Pain Laughter: Lean forward and put your hand on your lower back, then laugh as if you could not stand back up.
  • Conductor Laughter: Imagine you are a conductor. Direct an imaginary orchestra with enthusiastic arm movements as you sing any song of your choice in laughter sounds only e.g. ho ho ho or "ha ha ha".
  • Ear-Wiggle Laughter: Slowly slide your left hand upward along the left side of your head, slowly going over your head as you say an extended "aeeee" sound, then laugh as you wiggle your right ear with your left fingers. Do the same on the other side. Repeat a few times.
  • Laughter Pill: Take some laughter pills! Each pill has a unique effect and makes you laugh and jerk in a peculiar way for just a few seconds. Try another one as soon as the effects wear off.
  • Vowel Movement Laughter: Have you had your vowel movement today? Laugh in the tonality of the following sounds: Eee Eee Eee Eee! Aye aye aye aye! Ah ah ah ah! Ho ho ho ho! Ooo ooo ooo ooo! Uh uh uh uh!
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Friday 3 July 2015

benefits of ginger

ginger isolated on white backgrou

1. Anti Inflammatory:

One of the most effective uses of ginger is that it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce joint inflammations. A study shows that people who consume ginger juice have less pain and other inflammatory diseases as it contains antioxidants which help to increase the flow of fresh blood by removing harmful impurities in the body.

2. Prevents Cancer:

Ginger acts excellently for preventing cancer and also killing the cancer causing cells. In a study, it was found that ginger slows down the growth of breast cancer cells.

3. Blood Pressure:

Ginger acts as a blood thinner and reduces blood pressure in people instantly. You can have ginger juice with a few drops of honey in order to make it tasty.

4. Reduce Pain:

Ginger helps prevent all kinds of aches such as tooth ache and it also helps cure migraines that are becoming more common each passing day. As ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, it does not allow blood vessels to get inflamed and thus it helps increase the flow of blood to the body and cures the pain.

5. Digestion:

Ginger acts as an active agent for digestion. Ginger juice helps relive from various digestive issues. It speeds up the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestines. By consuming ginger, one can be less prone to getting stomach pains or any other digestive problems. It clears the stomach of all impurities thereby helping the people who suffer from motion sickness.

6. Arthritis:

Ginger helps cure arthritis as it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce swelling and inflammation in people suffering from thyroid or arthritis

7. Lowers Cholesterol:

Ginger is a great agent for reducing cholesterol as it as it helps remove the blockages in the flow of blood vessels which could lead to heart attacks.

8. Cold:

Ginger is one of the oldest cures for cold, nausea and flue as it has anti-viral and anti fungal properties. It cures cold and provides instant relief and also kills the bacteria that causes cold and ensures that it doesn’t return.

9. Ginger juice for hair care:

If you want to have long and shiny hair, you should consume ginger juice regularly. It can also be applied on the scalp for good results. Just make sure that when you are applying it to your scalp, the consistency of water should be less. Ginger acts as a good conditioner to your hair; it also helps to reduce dandruff and speeds up hair growth. When ginger juice is applied to your hair, it creates irritation on your scalp which stimulates the flow of blood.

10. Acne:

Ginger juice when consumed helps reduce acne or pimples and it also prevents occurrence of acne in the future as it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Now that you know the benefits of Ginger juice, try to include it in the ways mentioned above in your skin and hair care routine.
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Thursday 2 July 2015


  1. Don’t Underestimate Your Sweat. Saunas, hot yoga and heavy exercise may be good for your health, but they also may lead to kidney stones. Why? Loss of water through sweating – whether due to these activities or just the heat of summer—leads to less urine production. The more you sweat, the less you urinate, which allows for stone-causing minerals to settle and bond in the kidneys and urinary tract.
    Instead: Hydrate with H2O. One of the best measures you can take to avoid kidney stones is to drink plenty of water, leading you to urinate a lot. So, be sure to keep well hydrated, especially when engaging in exercise or activities that cause a lot of sweating.
  2. It’s Not Just the Oxalate. Oxa-what? Oxalate is naturally found in many foods, including fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, grains, legumes, and even chocolate and tea. Some examples of foods that contain high levels of oxalate include: peanuts, rhubarb, spinach, beets, chocolate and sweet potatoes. Moderating intake of these foods may be beneficial for people who form calcium oxalate stones, the leading type of kidney stones. A common misconception is that cutting the oxalate-rich foods in your diet alone will reduce the likelihood of forming calcium oxalate kidney stones. While in theory this might be true, this approach isn’t smart from an overall health perspective. Most kidney stones are formed when oxalate binds to calcium while urine is produced by the kidneys.
    Instead: Eat and drink calcium and oxalate-rich foods together during a meal. In doing so, oxalate and calcium are more likely to bind to one another in the stomach and intestines before the kidneys begin processing, making it less likely that kidney stones will form.
  3. Calcium is Not the Enemy. But it tends to get a bad rap! Most likely due to its name and composition, many are under the impression that calcium is the main culprit in calcium-oxalate stones. “I still see patients who wonder why they are getting recurring stones despite cutting down on their calcium intake,” said Dr. Jhagroo. “I’ve even had patients say that their doctors told them to reduce their calcium intake.” A diet low in calcium actually increases one’s risk of developing kidney stones.
    Instead: Don’t reduce the calcium. Work to cut back on the sodium in your diet and to pair calcium-rich foods with oxalate-rich foods.
  4. It’s Not One and Done. Passing a kidney stone is often described as one of the most painful experiences a person can have, but unfortunately, it’s not always a one-time event. Studies have shown that having even one stone greatly increases your chances of having another. “Most people will want to do anything they can to ensure it doesn’t happen again,” said Dr. Jhagroo. “Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be the case that people make the changes they need to after their first stone event.” Research conducted by Dr. Jhagroo shows that those with kidney stones do not always heed the advice of their nephrologists and urinary specialists. About 15% of kidney stone patients didn’t take prescribed medications and 41% did not follow the nutritional advice that would keep stones from recurring.
    Instead: Take action! Without the right medications and diet adjustments, stones can come back, and recurring kidney stones also could be an indicator of other problems, including kidney disease.
  5. When Life Hands You Kidney Stones… don’t fret. And as the saying goes, “make lemonade.” It’s important to consider dietary remedies alongside prescription medications. While it may seem easier to just take a pill to fix a medical problem, consider what lifestyle changes will also make a big impact on your health.
    Instead: Next time you drive past a lemonade (or limeade) stand, consider your kidneys. Chronic kidney stones are often treated with potassium citrate, but studies have shown that limeade, lemonade and other fruits and juices high in natural citrate offers the same stone-preventing benefits. Beware of the sugar, though, because it can increase kidney stone risk. Instead, buy sugar-free lemonade, or make your own by mixing lime or lemon juice with water and using a sugar substitute if needed. “We believe that citrate in the urine may prevent the calcium from binding with other constituents that lead to stones,” said Dr. Jhagroo. “Also, some evidence suggests that citrate may prevent crystals that are already present from binding with each other, thus preventing them from getting bigger.”
  6. Not All Stones are Created Equal. In addition to calcium oxalate stones, another common type of kidney stones is uric acid stones. Red meat, organ meats, and shellfish have high concentrations of a natural chemical compound known as purines. “High purine intake leads to a higher production of uric acid and produces a larger acid load for the kidneys to excrete,” said Dr. Jhagroo. Higher uric acid excretion leads to lower overall urine pH, which means the urine is more acidic. The high acid concentration of the urine makes it easier for uric acid stones to form.
    Instead: To prevent uric acid stones, cut down on high-purine foods such as red meat, organ meats, and shellfish, and follow a healthy diet that contains mostly vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and low fat dairy products. Limit sugar-sweetened foods and drinks, especially those that contain high fructose corn syrup. Limit alcohol because it can increase uric acid levels in the blood and avoid crash diets for the same reason..                                               facebook page
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Wednesday 1 July 2015

5 anti-aging postures of yoga

1. Seated twist 

Twists promote a healthy spine and can relieve back muscles tight from too much sitting

• Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position with spine upright. If you find yourself uncomfortable or slouching, try placing a folded blanket, cushion or yoga block or bolster under your hips.
• Inhale and sit up as straight as possible. On the exhale, twist gently to the right, starting the movement from the base of the spine and letting it flow upward. As you move, place the left hand on the right knee and the right hand behind you for balance. Move the head last and only as far as it can comfortably go without strain.
• On each inhale, lengthen the spine – you will likely move slightly out of the twist. On each exhale, gently twist deeper.
• Return to center on an inhale, then repeat on the left, making sure to switch the crossing of your legs first.

2. Downward dog

• Start on hands and knees, with wrists under shoulders and knees under hips. Fingers should be spread wide and engaged, with middle fingers pointing forward. Look behind you and check that feet are about hip width apart.
• Curl under the toes and reach the tailbone toward the ceiling. At this point, keep the heels high off the floor and keep a gentle bend in the knees. 
• Gently straighten the knees and lower the heels toward the floor (it's unlikely that they'll touch) until you feel a soft stretch in the back of the legs and in the back. If it feels too strong, bend the knees again until you're more comfortable. The very  flexible might want to take their feet a bit farther apart.
• Rather than dumping all the weight into the shoulders, aim to balance it between hands and feet. Engage the hands and arms as though you were reaching forward with your hands. Bring the belly button toward the spine and engage the core rather than sinking at the ribs.

3. Squat

• Start in equal standing posture with feet together and arms at sides.
• Keeping the knees and feet together, sit back as though you were going to sit in a chair. Only go as far as you are comfortable and balanced, but do try to challenge your muscles.To protect the knees , make sure they're behind the toes and not moving forward.
• At the same time, reach the arms straight in front of you to help with balance.

Change it up: If it's easier to balance, you can do this pose with feet hip width apart – just be sure the knees are pointed in the same direction as the toes and not caving inward. Play with how deep you can go while maintaining an erect spine and happy knees

4. Tree pose

• Start in equal standing posture, then shift most of your body weight into the left foot and leg. Bring your hands to prayer position in front of the chest.
• Come onto the toes of the right foot and open the right hip and leg.
• If your balance is unsteady, keep your right toes on the floor, right heel against the inside of the left calf. If you feel stable here, lift the right foot off the floor and place against the inside of the left calf or thigh, being careful not to press against the knee.
• Take a few breaths, then slowly lower and repeat on the second side.

5. Equal standing

• In bare feet, stand on a yoga mat or the floor with feet parallel and together or hip-width apart, arms hanging at sides.
• Focus on the feet and how your body weight is distributed. Without lifting the soles of your feet off the floor, shift forward, backward and side to side to move your body weight until you bring it to center.
• Moving your attention up the body, feel that your hips are stacked over ankles and shoulders over hips. Move the chin back so that the skull is balanced on the spine. Aim to find an equilibrium that means you're using as little muscle strength as possible to stand.
• Imagine that a string is pulling you up from the crown of your head.
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Avocados are not just for eating! A good source of biotin, avocados help to prevent dry skin and brittle hair and nails. When applied topically, they can hydrate parched skin.

Sip your way to healthy skin.Green tea’s high on the list of skin-friendly beverages thanks to its impressive storehouse of polyphenols. Aim for four cups throughout your day.
Reach for tomatoes. A German study found that lycopene-rich tomato paste helped participants prevent sunburn when they combined it with olive oil, daily for ten weeks. Besides being a great source of the antioxidant lycopene, tomatoes are considered a high-carotenoid fruit. These nutrients may help slow down cellular damage from free radicals.
Slow down aging with salmon. Salmon contains astaxanthin, a carotenoid that improves skin elasticity, so you’ll have fewer fine lines.
Crack open some eggs.Protein helps repair cells that have suffered free radical damage. Eggs, a complete source of protein, also contain biotin, an essential vitamin that protects against dry skin.
Put pomegranate on your list.When applied topically, this antioxidant-rich fruit may help skin create more collagen, while speeding healing.
Try walnuts. Looking to add Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet but not a fan of fish? Walnuts are a rich source of Omega-3s, which help put shine in your hair and aid in making skin smoother and younger looking.
Build better skin with beans.Another protein source, legumes help repair cells that have suffered free radical damage. During digestion, protein breaks down into amino acids, the building blocks of cells. Amino acids help to speed the repair and regeneration of skin cells and collagen.
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