Monday 29 June 2015


1 Mountain Pose with Arms Overhead
(Urdhva Hastasana in Tadasana)

Stand in mountain pose with feet hip-distance apart and lift up through the legs and torso.
Stretch your arms overhead. Lengthen and spread the fingers and toes.
Why mountain pose? This is a good warm-up posture. The vigorous upward motion through the limbs and torso, and the spreading of the toes and fingers, will help invigorate your system and lift your spirits.

#2 Handstand
(Adho Mukha Vrikshasana)

Place both hands on the floor six inches from the wall, shoulder-distance apart.
Bring straight legs toward the wall.
Kick up one leg, and then the other.
Lift up through the arms, torso, and legs as you walk the heels up the wall.
Flex the feet and gaze at a point midway between the hands.

Modification: Downward-facing Dog
(Adho Mukha Shvanasana)

Those who are not yet practicing handstand can benefit from the inversion and strengthening properties of downward dog. Keep the arms strong and straight, lifting up through the limbs and spine. If possible, hold for one minute.

#3 Chair Backbend
(Viparita Dandasana)

Place a folded blanket across the seat of a folding chair.
Sit backward through the chair with your knees bent.
Hold onto the top of the chair back and lift your chest.
Lie back over the seat of the chair so that it supports your upper back (just below the shoulder blades).
Straighten the legs.
Loop your arms through the bottom rungs of the chair and hold the chair’s back legs.

#4 Shoulderstand with Chair
(Sarvangasana variation)

Position a folding chair about a foot away from the wall.
Pad the chair with a folded blanket and place two folded blankets on the floor beneath the seat of the chair.
Drape your knees over the back of the chair, holding onto the sides.
Lower the torso so that the head moves toward the floor.

Continue lowering until the back of the head rests on the floor and the shoulders rest on the edge of the blankets. The arms should move through the bottom of the chair; hold onto the back of the chair.i
The sacrum rests on the chair as the legs lift up.

#5 Supported Bridge Pose over Crossed Bolsters
(Setubandha Sarvangasana)
Crisscross one bolster over another in the shape of a plus sign.
With your knees bent, lie down lengthwise on the top bolster and slide off until your shoulders just reach the floor.
Extend the legs straight, roll the shoulders under, and open the chest so that it lifts and spreads to the sides.
Rest your arms by your sides and stay for 5 to 10 minutes Yoga Journal​ My Yoga Online​ Defeat Depression​ Baba Ramdev​ Paramahansa Yogananda en EspaƱol​ Self-Harm and Depression​
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