Friday 26 June 2015

what is panchkarma yoga?

means five treatments to remove toxins from the body and to support the natural rhythms of the body. It is a minimum of 14 days preventive and/or curative treatment to detoxify and cleanse the body and mind. It reinforces the immune system and leaves the body healthier, stronger and free from chronic ailments. The Panchakarma Detoxification Programme is an unique opportunity to cleanse and rejuvenate physically and mentally in a pure, spiritual, yogic environment. One should approach the program with the idea to retreat from normal life and use the time to connect to body, mind and soul. During your stay in the ashram you can also benefit from the 5 Points of Yoga i.e.
  1. Proper exercise (Asana)
  2. Proper breathing (Pranayama)
  3. Proper relaxation (Savasana)
  4. Proper diet (Vegetarian)
  5. Positive Thinking (Vedanta) and Meditation.
Shirodhara1treatment is also indicated for healthy persons as it will boost the immune system. During the treatment program you will be provided with information about Ayurveda, Panchakarma and how to follow an Ayurvedic diet according to your constitution. Special treatments are also available for: rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, neck pain, disc problems including slipped disc, degenerative diseases, anxiety and other mood disorders.

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